claim damagesの例文


    もっと例文:   1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10
  1. The younger Sheppard then could claim damages in a separate court action.
  2. She was therefore able to claim damages for breach of promise of marriage.
  3. The lawsuit claims damages of more than $ 50, 000.
  4. Now thousands may claim damages as part of the class-actions suits that have been filed.
  5. "They are blocking any chance for us to claim damages, " said attorney Aigerim Sadamova.


  1. "claim compensation for the losses"の例文
  2. "claim construction"の例文
  3. "claim construction hearing"の例文
  4. "claim credit for"の例文
  5. "claim damage"の例文
  6. "claim damages of"の例文
  7. "claim data"の例文
  8. "claim debts"の例文
  9. "claim definition"の例文
  10. "claim department"の例文
  11. "claim credit for"の例文
  12. "claim damage"の例文
  13. "claim damages of"の例文
  14. "claim data"の例文

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